
Updated knowledge about AIDS

Updated knowledge about AIDS

Dicky, Huang Yu Shu

AIDS is a much more complex case then I know after reading the article” Drug abuse and HIV/AIDS: international research lessons and imperatives.” We might have stereotype on AIDS which is an illness only resulted form sexually behavior. However, there are more dimensions we overlooked so that it endangers our society continuously. I recognize another way of transmitting AIDS and get a new idea about preventing AIDS transmission from that article.

First, sexual behavior is not the only way of transmitting AIDS but also drug abuse. AIDS is infected by blood transmission, which is common sense to the public, so it is easy for us to link illicit drug users who use the contaminated injection equipment to AIDS. On the other hand, non-injection, which is without blooding transmissions, is also having risk for infected by HIV. The evidence is obviously, taking cocaine, crack, or amphetamine-type stimulants high-risk sexual behaviors without consciousness.

Secondly, to prevent AIDS/HIV spreading effectively, supporting policy and friendly environment should be meet the local social, cultural and political context. The situation differs from countries to countries, even in the same country might have the variance among different region. Nerveless, the protocols and prevention must be based on evidence.

With the progressing of medicine and science, I believe AIDS/HIV will be rooted out someday. Before that, I need to take every consideration to prevent the situation becoming worse. After all, prevention is much better than treatment.


