Sun Moon Lake Express Bus is provided Nantou Bus (南投客運

Sun Moon Lake is so hard to get arrive that it is beautiful. However, it's not hard to get anymore. We got the "Sun Moon Lake Express Bus" to take directly from Taichung to the Sun Moon Lake. This Express is provided by the one of the oldest Bus Service Company, Nantou Bus(南投客運). Following are the time table and the location on the map you can get on the bus.

愛在拜城 ปาย อิน เลิฟ Love in Pai

白縣1我期待很久的泰國電影《 ปาย อิน เลิฟ 》(英譯:Love in Pai;中譯:愛在拜城)。拜城,也有人叫白郡、白縣。去年到泰國長住的時候,Zue、Vee、Bang、Pipe和我,在Pai有很多難忘的回憶,你可以從這裡看到很多我們在Pai玩的照片。電影《愛在拜城》就在這個我們充滿回憶的地方拍攝,勾起我許多回憶。



Puil Town Bus 埔里環鎮觀光街車 Provided by Nantou Bus 南投客運

Puli and Sun Moon Lake are two most well-received and prominent travel routes in Nantou worth visiting since the peripheral areas of these two tourist destinations are rich in scenic spots and tourism resources. Puli and Sun Moon Lake are two most well-received and prominent travel routes in Nantou worth visiting since the peripheral areas of these two tourist destinations are rich in scenic spots and tourism resources.